Teeth abrasion is when your teeth begin to lose enamel as a result of some outside force. When your teeth begin to show signs of excessive wear, the goal should be to stop the progression of the loss of enamel first and then evaluate options to fix the resulting problem. Healthy teeth, those not suffering the effects of abrasion, shouldn’t lose more than 1mm of enamel within a 100-year period!

Teeth Abrasion – What Causes It?

Things like friction (caused by brushing too hard), stiff-bristled toothbrushes, abrasive toothpaste, grinding or clenching your teeth, chewing on hard objects, biting your fingernails or poor alignment (where one tooth rubs against another one) can all create abrasive effects on your teeth.

Interestingly, many people suffer from excessive abrasion as a result of what’s commonly known as ‘ortho relapse’. Typically, this occurs after someone has had braces as a child, transitioned to a retainer, and then stopped wearing it. As a consequence, the teeth shift, usually causing poor alignment where the lower front teeth become more crowded, and then problems begin to develop over time. In fact, ortho relapse can have additional side effects beyond the abrasion issue, which can frequently be traced back to alignment problems.

Teeth Abrasion – How Can It Be Repaired?

Corrective techniques, involving dental restorations, can often fix the problem once the progression has been stopped. Composites (fillings), onlays, crowns and other options are all potential solutions to correct the effects of damage caused by abrasion. For more, visit our blog posts on ways to improve your smile and the causes of jaw pain.

Farragut and Knoxville’s Cosmetic Dentist

As a cosmetic dentist, we have the ability to care for our family and restorative patients on a very comprehensive level. Given that cosmetic dentistry provides complete oral health care with an emphasis on preventive and maintenance measures, corrects oral imperfections, and helps to enhance a patient’s overall facial esthetics, we’re extremely detail-oriented and meticulous regarding the caliber of our work and the care we extend to each and every patient.

If there’s anything we can do to help you or your family, whether it’s cosmetic (such as whitening, veneers, implants, bonding, or more), family, or restorative in nature (such as onlays, crowns, fillings, or more), please contact us.