Cosmetically, there are a lot of options available to improve or enhance the quality of your smile. Some are extremely simple solutions, such as professional teeth whitening products or procedures, and others like veneers or gum contouring require a bit more detail. Regardless, achieving a better, more confident smile isn’t something that’s out-of-reach; and a qualified cosmetic dentist is the best source capable of giving you the smile you’ve always envisioned. Aside from your teeth, bite, and dental appearance; your gums are a critical element that a cosmetic dentist considers when they evaluate their collective impact on your overall facial esthetics. In fact, it’s these different areas, working in unison, that form the outward impression of your complete smile. Your cosmetic dentist will use their evaluation of these areas to form the basis for specific solutions that accentuate your overall facial characteristics and produce results that are consistent with your goals. By evaluating the current condition of your entire oral health, teeth health, specific facial shape, lip line, gum color and shape, skin color, etc. and then, using the latest technology, a qualified cosmetic dentist can show you exactly what your new smile could look like! For more on this, read our blog article entitled, ‘How Can I Improve My Smile?’ A universal element in everyone’s smile involves the size, shape, color, and health of their gums. As such, gum contouring is a viable cosmetic option for many, many people who long to smile more confidently – and more often!

What Is Gum Contouring?

Gum contouring is a cosmetic procedure that addresses the shape and health of your gums. In this procedure, gum tissue is either removed or replaced, depending on the state of your gums, to help create a more symmetrical, natural-looking, healthy smile. In instances where the gum line isn’t uniform or is uneven, such as where it’s lower in certain places, excess gum tissue would be removed to reduce the ‘thickness’ of your smile where too much gum is showing when you smile or speak. The addition of gum tissue might be necessary in situations where your gum line is too high, due to recession, thereby, exposing too much of your teeth creating the appearance that they’re too long or ‘horse-like.’ In either event, gum contouring is a permanent process, meaning it isn’t something that needs to be repeated as a means to help you maintain your healthy smile.

What Are the Benefits of Gum Contouring?

Aside from the overall benefit of improving your smile, here are a few specific advantages associated with gum contouring.

  • Overcoming the impression of crooked teeth
  • Overcoming the impression of teeth that are too long
  • Overcoming the impression of teeth that are too short
  • Overcoming the impression of poor oral hygiene or health
  • Correcting a thick or ‘gummy’ smile
  • Creating an even-looking gum line
  • Reduced discomfort associated with brushing friction on too much gum line
  • Reduced discomfort associated with brushing friction on a too much exposed tooth

Farragut and Knoxville’s Cosmetic Dentist

As a cosmetic dentist, we have the ability to care for our family and restorative patients on a very comprehensive level. Given that cosmetic dentistry provides complete oral health care with an emphasis on preventive and maintenance measures, corrects oral imperfections, and helps to enhance a patient’s overall facial esthetics, we’re extremely detail-oriented and meticulous regarding the caliber of our work and the care we extend to each and every patient – from the very, very young to the very…very mature. If there’s anything we can do to help you or your family, whether it’s cosmetic, family, or restorative in nature, please contact us here.