Yes, Botox® has dental applications. In many respects, modern dentistry closely resembles dentistry of old. People still need their teeth cleaned, cavities filled, teeth removed, crowns placed to protect a tooth, and preventive care – along with a host of other procedures to ensure good oral health.

Other than the fact that we still do everything dentists ‘back-in-the-day’ did, that’s where today’s modern dentistry takes a radical departure from old school dentistry. Earlier dental care, simply because of the available knowledge, technical capabilities, and mindset of the day, was essentially restricted to helping to relieve pain caused by a tooth or infection, and to help patients with oral hygiene needs.

Advancements in the field of dentistry have not only greatly expanded our understanding of the collective term ‘oral health,’ they have brought new techniques, materials, and procedures that have exponentially multiplied the range of services dentists now provide.

These developments have improved our capabilities to more efficiently and successfully perform what used to be considered customary maintenance, preventive, restorative, and cosmetic dental procedures. More importantly, they have also revealed resolutions to dental issues never before imagined in our field.

One of those advancements deals with Botox®.

What is Botox®?

Botox® is considered a ‘dermal filler,’ which is best defined as a soft, gel-like material that’s injected into the soft tissue just beneath the skin. Botox® and other fillers are used to provide volume or restore fullness to a specific area of the face to smooth facial creases, soften wrinkles, rebuild facial contours, and create a more vibrant, healthier appearance.

What many people don’t know is that dentists not only work with hard and soft tissues in and around the mouth but, they also deal with connecting muscles. When a small amount of Botox® is injected into connecting tissue it can actually relax the muscle for an extended period of time.

Botox® and Cosmetic Dentistry

When we’re talking about Botox® and facial esthetics; we’re involving a very specific area of dentistry knows as Cosmetic Dentistry. In broad terms, cosmetic dentistry pays special attention to the contribution your bite, gums, and teeth make to your smile’s total outward impression. Within that overall impression, it’s the color of your teeth and their alignment, along with their size, shape, and position which form your dental appearance.

Cosmetic dentistry evaluates your smile’s outward impression and your dental appearance to create compatible solutions with your facial structure to positively accentuate your overall facial esthetics.

Simply, cosmetic dentistry looks at your entire face and then works to create a smile that fits you. Your new smile has to compliment your face and your face has to compliment your smile. Everything has to work together to complete the positive impression. Since Botox® is often used to help create a more vibrant, healthy facial appearance, it can play a vital role in supporting your new smile. While not everyone has a need for Botox®, it’s comforting to know that a non-surgical option exists to help enhance your facial characteristics to further showcase your smile.

Dental Applications for Botox®

Enhancing Your Smile
It’s always fun to wear that new dress or sport jacket. You know you look amazing and you want to show the world. And, then you look down and see those scuffed, battered old shoes! Suddenly, you’re not quite as eager to go out. The same thing can happen when you have your teeth professionally whitened or have a smile makeover. You’re excited and can’t wait to show everyone the new you. And, then you look in the mirror and see those little wrinkles and creases around your mouth, nose, or eyes! Yep, there’s that feeling again.

Botox® could be the solution by adding the necessary touches to complete your transformation and increase your confidence.

Treating TMJ / TMD
TMJ (temporomandibular joint) is the small joint that connects the upper and lower jaw to the skull. TMD (temporomandibular joint disorder) is a condition that references various things that can cause issues with the joint (TMJ).

If the joint (TMJ) becomes damaged or stressed it can cause pain. Some of the most common causes affecting TMJ include grinding or clenching the teeth, misalignment of the jaw, teeth or jaw injuries, and yes, even chewing gum! As a result, chronic earaches and headaches, migraines, and frequent face, neck, and shoulder pain are all potential symptoms of TMD.

More often than not, most TMJ issues are the result of problems associated with a person’s bite and related muscles. The vast majority of the time, pain can be relieved and the issue can be resolved through proper realignment of the bite as well as relaxing the muscles involved with those functions.

Related pain can affect your ability to concentrate, dietary health, and certainly your mood. Thanks to advancements in the dental field, many more treatment options are now applicable to our patients to help relieve their discomfort and solve associated dental issues. Botox® is one of those applications and has been used with great success for years as a treatment for TMJ/TMD.

As with any medical or dental issue, an accurate diagnosis is fundamental to the development of a successful treatment plan. If you’re experiencing any of the symptoms mentioned above, you might have a TMD issue. If so, we can help.

Correcting A ‘Gummy’ Smile
If your smile shows more of your gums than you care for, Botox® may very well be a suitable solution. Botox® is frequently used to relax the muscles around the lips. It, along with other dermal fillers, can also be used to add volume to the lips so they appear to be fuller. Then, when you smile, the additional fullness of your lips helps to cover more of your gumline, thereby, reducing the amount of gum shown to others.

Depending on your smile’s outward impression, other treatments are available in the event Botox® isn’t the most suitable solution. But, for most people who just want a little added confidence, Botox® is a great alternative to improve your smile and seemingly take off a few years in the process!

Migraines/Headaches, Chronic Earaches, Face, Neck, Shoulder Pain
All of these are symptoms of TMD which, as we’ve discussed, relates to stress or damage to the joint (TMJ) that connects the upper and lower jaw to the skull.

As we’ve pointed out, most often the problem causing the discomfort relates to constricted muscles relative to a person’s bite. Generally, if the muscles can be relaxed and the bite realigned the pain symptoms subside and the problem is corrected. Employing Botox® could be a suitable solution to help return you to a more comfortable lifestyle.

Farragut and Knoxville’s Cosmetic Dentist

We want your smile to not only be a reflection of your confidence but a reflection of your complete experience with our West Knoxville dental team. If there’s anything we can do to help enhance your smile, so you can build your confidence and embrace life more boldly, please let us know. Whether it’s Botox® enhancements, whitening, a cosmetic smile consultation, restorative work, family dentistry, or other need, please contact us.